
Thinking of buying, selling or renting in West Bromwich? Our estate agent regularly works with clients in this area, and is highly knowledgeable about the local property market.  West Bromwich is an area which grew exponentially during the... read more »
The average price for a property in Tipton has been £166704 over the last year, meaning it’s still a highly affordable part of the UK. Like much of the West Midlands, however, it’s on the rise. Only recently, a historic site in the ... read more »
With a new canal-side neighbourhood recently introduced in Birmingham, it’s a reminder of the city’s booming population of new workers. The city is constantly evolving and has a bright future ahead.   This is a wonderful place for ... read more »
Want to know how much your property is worth?   The average price for a property in West Bromwich was £185456 over the last year, but the value of your home will depend on a number of factors, including location, proximity to quality sch... read more »
Considering selling your property in Birmingham this year?   A major property organisation has predicted that Birmingham will see prices rise by 24% by 2025. This reflects the record growth the city has enjoyed over the last decade.   T... read more »
Need a full-service letting agency for your properties in West Bromwich?   The West Midlands is a popular place to invest in rental properties. If you’re looking to unlock the potential of the market in the black country, John Miller off... read more »
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