Energy Saving Tips In The Home That Even Kids Could Do.


Energy Saving Tips In The Home That Even Kids Could Do.

Saving energy in your home is so easy that even your kids could do it.  Below are some tips that will reduce your home’s carbon footprint and save you money.

Just follow these simple steps to conserve energy in your home.

  1. Try not to overheat the room.  21 degrees C is a perfect living room temperature, and turn to 18 degrees C for all other rooms.
  2. Turn off the lights when you leave the room and invest in LED light bulbs.
  3. Close the curtains at dusk to prevent heat escaping the room.  If you have radiators under your windows, make sure the curtains do not cover them.
  4. Do not leave appliances on standby and remember not to leave laptops and mobile phones charging unnecessarily.
  5.  Have a shower instead of a bath.  Showers use much less energy and water than a bath.
  6. Do not overfill kettles, just heat up the amount of water that you need.
  7. Always fill the washing machine with a full load and spin the clothes before putting it in the tumble dryer.
  8. Defrost your freezer regularly and do not put hot food straight into the fridge or freezer.  Let it cool down first.
  9. When buying a new appliance, always choose the most energy efficient choice.  Grade A is the best.
  10. If your gas boiler has a thermostat, set it to 60 degrees C.

It is that simple to save energy.  Why not try and implement some of these practices into your own household and save energy, reduce your carbon footprint and at the same time save money.

Make your home is as energy efficient as possible.  To find out how, check out for more tips and information.

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